Power of the breath

Sunday 15th of March 11-13.30
30€, 25€ for 2 persons, 25€ for Zen Studio’s students

THE POWER OF BREATH -workshop by Zarah Boden. We will understand, see and experience the breath as a powerful tool for self empowerment, self enquiry and healing. Come and experience the most powerful healing source that exists within you, your breath.

INTEGRATIVE BREATHWORK draws on concepts from ancient traditions, eastern approaches, various schools of psychology and research from modern consciousness theories.
Breath as our primary life source and most vital nutrient. Breathwork as the original medicine, which works on all levels of our being.

What you are looking for lies right under your nose! Breath is your teacher and best friend. It all starts with our breath, from the beginning and there till the end.

Come learn more about how you can use your very own breath to aid in:
🔵 Trauma Release
🔵 Clearing physical, emotional and mental blockages
🔵 Depression
🔵 Anxiety
🔵 Stress
🔵 Balancing hormones
🔵 Balancing nervous system
🔵 Increasing vitality and overall wellbeing
🔵 Expanding consciousness and increasing positivity

– We begin the practice by opening smoothly our bodies and releasing the tensions.
– The breathing session starts by setting intentions, and follows with an activation, experiential phase, relaxation and integration.
– The breathing will consist of powerful, conscious breathing, deeply connected to ourselves, approximately for one hour with the support and guidance of facilitator and music.
– Everyone experiences the breath differently.
– After the practice the feeling spacious, energetic and balanced.

The workshop suits for everybody, who is interested in self exploration, healing and holistic wellbeing.


➡️ Please book ahead to ensure your spot!
TIME: Sunday 15th of March at 11-13.30
PLACE: Zen Studio, Calle Casas de Campos 31, 2 floor
INVESTMENT: 30€ euros, 2 persons 25€ each, 25€ from students of Zen Studio
INFO & BOOKINGS: +34 691883083 / Laura
MORE: FB and INSTA @zenstudiomalaga > Events

* Come on an empty stomach and please wear comfortable loose fitting clothing. You will need to be as comfortable as possible in order to lie for the session. Feel free to bring warm clothes, socks, and else to keep you warm, as during the practice the temperature may vary.

* This is not suitable for anyone with serious heart conditions, pregnant women, severe hypertension, recent surgery, broken bones or fractures, acute infectious diseases, epilepsy and some severe mental health conditions.

➡️ TEACHER: Zarah Boden is an experienced yoga teacher, massage therapist and breathwork facilitator with a diverse range of knowledge from various fields of yoga, movement, bodywork and breathwork.
Having intensively studied and practiced Pranayama in India, and less controlled forms of shamanic, and conscious connected breath techniques in both Australia and Germany, Zarah’s passion lies particularly strongly with the power of the breath, as a teacher and a most ancient medicine.
She looks forward to sharing this transformational practice with those who are eager to scratch beneath the surface.

More info of Zarah and breathing:
FB @ZOGAflow
Instagram zogaflow

#breath #breathe #power #conscious #yoga #pranayama #zenstudio #zenstudiomalaga #malagayoga #zogaflow #healing

Contact by WhatsApp
+358 40 5659652

About Laura

Laura Heikkinen is a yoga teacher specialized in Yin Yoga Teacher Training, Buddhism, meditation, and Taoist practices.

She has studied Yin, Yin and Yang Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Trainings in Insight Yoga Institute with Sarah Powers, and done hatha yoga teacher training in India. She has Yoga Teacher Trainings in Yin 300 RYT and Hatha 200 RYT

She has deepened her studies in Yin with Paul and Susie Grilley, Jo Phee, Victor Chng, Simon Low, Sebastian Pucelle and Murielle Burellier, and Helena Chaón Muñoz, and learned different yoga styles around the world more than 20 years.

She has been studying qigong, and relaxation and mindfulness techniques in Shanghai Qigong Research Institute, which is under the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shanghai. She loves nature, living by the seasons, learning new things and cultivating peace and harmony in her life.

More info about us in Facebook: Zen Studio Málaga

Zen Studio Malaga: Laura Heikkinen